transient error

英 [ˈtrænziənt ˈerə(r)] 美 [ˈtrænʃnt ˈerər]

网络  瞬时错误



  1. If it is some kind of transient error, check whether the administrator can restore the request to the Unprocessed queue, so that it will be retried.
  2. For example, the MTi-G copes with transient accelerations; a typical error source for any AHRS using the gravity as its reference estimating roll and pitch.
  3. Somewhere down in the depths of the code, a transient error occurs.
  4. When current transient wave fluctuates obviously, the use of difference instead of differential may cause prodigious error and malfunction.
  5. The central contents are as follows: ( 1) The transient pulse test system is studied and made. The systematical error of test system is studied also.
  6. With the sudden change of the input signal of the capacitive voltage transformer ( CVT), the primary voltage can not been quickly tracked by the CVT output so that a transient error will be made.
  7. When NTU ≤ 1, the results are virtually unaffected by the wall longitudinal conduction. This paper alto analyses error for the modified transient technique and gives the amplification factor of the relative error of NTU as a result of temperature measurement uncertainty.
  8. The optical path difference formed by replacing the cylindrical lens in common photolithography with a cylindrical lens array in lens array photolithography shall stagger the transient image caused by diffraction, thus eliminating the diffraction error caused by the gap between the photolithographic template and the etching grating.
  9. Ratio-restrained differential protection is a main approach to prevent the mal-operation of the transformer when external faults happen. This protection is influenced by transient error that is caused by the current transducers saturation.
  10. This paper tries to conduct a direct inversion of the transient electromagnetic data, in which the ramp time effect is considered so that error correction of ramp time effect can be avoided.
  11. At last the article provides a transient simulation to two kinds of RLC circuits supported by MATLAB and explains why the error can produce, in addition, it also provides a correct way to solve the problem.
  12. The small non-integer multiples portion of the sample might influence the transient error, steady-state error, and zero drift of the CMF.
  13. Analyzed measured errors of flywheel transient speed in internal combustion engines theoretically and actually The results showed that the main error of measured flywheel transient speed is angular error, which directed to improve the accuracy of flywheel transient speed in internal combustion engines
  14. An adaptive distance relay based on transient error estimation of CVT
  15. Detection of Transient Signal with Gradual Eliminating Error LMS Adaptive algorithm
  16. A rapid transient response without overshooting and steady error. ( 2) robustness in varying system parameters.
  17. Digital revision method on transient error of capacitive voltage transformer
  18. Transformer's transient error analysis about the monitor system of electric power
  19. The optimum value of the adjustable parameter and the minimum value of the transient response error were obtained through the calculation of the minimun value of J.
  20. Study on the measuring and analysis system of protective current transformer transient error
  21. A digital revision method for eliminating the transient error is proposed firstly, in which the modified Euler method is used to resolve the first order differential equations deduced from the CVT model, so the computation is small.
  22. It is shown that the error sources of transient speed come from three aspects: angular error, sampling error and trigger error.
  23. The Transient Magnetizing Model of Core and the Error Computation for CT
  24. In this paper, the CT's complex error and transient error are introduced.
  25. We suggest "error of closure" asa criterion of measuring accuracy and use transient root-mean-square error to ex-press repeatability and reliability of measurement of the instrument.
  26. Through the study we found that: 1.The HRTS algorithm uses transient synchronization strategy, the synchronization error has a linear growth between two adjacent operation.2.The original plan only processes the phase offset, but it ignores the impact of clock drift to synchronization.
  27. This method fully considering the feature of each disturbance, enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the evaluation results, avoid the intermittent switching and larger transient error caused by the multi-model switching method.
  28. Soft error is a kind of transient error, after which the circuit component is not damaged.